Food and felonies are inseparable in Hardboiled, a stop-motion animated satire of the classic urban American crime drama. Gritty, noir-ish, and absurd, the story follows the exploits of tough talking detectives Harry and Callaham (an egg and a slice of ham) as they frustrate their boss, an irascible knish, shake down a sleazy bacon pimp, and tangle with a megalomaniacal strawberry.
As the heroes delve into the Dairytown murders, the plot unfolds briskly, driven by the snappy dialogue and macho posturing inherent to the genre. Imagine Dirty Harry, The French Connection, The Wire, and CSI, with a dash of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, recast with animated food. Enter the surreal, comic world of Hardboiled where a bad egg can be a damn good cop.